WHY NOT is a new festival in Gothenburg that took place for the first time on September 30th and October 1st 2016. They are using Passcreator for their ticketing process starting with online pre-sales, keeping their audience informed before and during the event using Push Updates as well as validating the tickets.
Hotelcard, the world's first 50% discount card for hotels, is using Passcreator to create Wallet passes for customers in Switzerland and Austria. Every new customer that signs up on their website receives a personalized Wallet pass and is able to book discounted hotel rooms in many hotels across Switzerland and Austria.
MYTHOS is a invite only dance club in Gotheburg, Sweden. Guests must register online and can only join the parties if they own a valid membership pass. MYTHOS is using Passcreator to automatically create a Wallet pass every time a new guest registers on their website and sell event tickets using the Landingpages of Passcreator. New events are announced using the Push Update feature that are baked into the Wallet passes.