Passes for Apple Wallet
Create Apple Wallet passes for your business with ease!
Create and engage - effortlessly
Apple Wallet is preinstalled on all iPhones and is Apple's app to save digital passes. It provides a convenient way to organize and use loyalty cards, event tickets and more in one place. Using Passcreator allows you to create Apple Wallet passes in minutes!
Apple Wallet passes are perfect to bridge the gap between the online and physical world, making your Wallet projects measurable and engaging.
Every Apple Wallet pass can be updated and personalized and can be shown in the moment it is needed based on relevancy information.
Push Notifications
Passcreator supports Push Notifications for Apple Wallet! You can use push notifiations to keep your users up to date about the latest news and helpful information related to your passes. Combining Passcreator's flexiblity and Apple Wallet Push Notifications lead to higher customer retention and engagement.
Learn more about all features of Passcreator!
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