Release Notes March 6th, 2024

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Changes included in Version 5.7.1 of Passcreator
New features
- Option to enforce 2FA per role.
- Audit log webhooks (available only on request)
- Make pass voided text configurable on download pages.
- Added Dashboard-Widget to show real-time info of scans per device which is useful for events that have multiple scanning devices and need to distribute visitors evenly across devices.
- Improve performance of bulk processing jobs.
- Improve handling of permissions between API and Frontend systems.
- Fixed an issue where an analytics query failed if no template was selected.
- App Scan created webhooks were fired multiple times if an app configuration with multiple templates was used.
- Fixed bug that prevented users on systems where Cloudflare is enabled from uploading images.
- Landing page link lead to wrong URL in the list of landing pages in the backend when using English as language.