Dashboards - Release Notes December 14th, 2023

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Changes included in Version 5.2.0 of Passcreator
New features
- Custom Dashboards: create your own Dashboards based on Analytics Charts (you can find details in our Knowledge Base).
- Allow separate favorites for new Analytics feature.
- Added interval to Analytics (show data per day, week, month, quarter or year)
- Added additional timeframes when filtering in Analytics (last twelve months, last year).
- Customers with white-label URLs can use userProvidedIds in URLs.
- Automatically saving emails that are collected on landing pages in the additional property landingpage.email.
- Export audit log for a specific object as CSV (only available to admins or if specifically enabled for a role).
- Push Service performance improvements.
- Improve search speed significantly.
- Improve performance of data rentention policies.
- Certificate on projects couldn't be changed if it was a demo certificate.
- Data from bulk processing jobs was not added to the index in the new search.
- Paginating over a large number of passes was showing degraded performance.
- In some cases the language was lost on redirects and the system switched back to default language.
- Payment status on payment landing pages was not updated correctly in some cases.
- Google Wallet showed fields twice if they shared a label in the past because of the internal field-logic.