Release Notes August 29th, 2024
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Changes included in Version 5.17 of Passcreator
- Added file filter to FTP jobs. You can now specify a filename. All other files will be ignored.
- Support links on the front of Google Wallet boarding passes (other pass types to follow).
- Added option to include an image on Google Wallet boarding passes.
- Added option to send emails if a FTP integration job fails or no file is found.
- Ignore folders in a given path when looking for files to process with FTP integrations.
- Additional commands for ID TECH PiP configuration are shown in certificate management.
- Support setting the push opt in status when creating or updating passes via the API.
- Make push notification delivery for Google Wallet passes more reliable.
- Additional property placeholders were not replaced in links of Google Wallet boarding passes.
- Formatting of eligible validation places was broken if template was updated using the UI.
- Sendout jobs were stuck sometimes which is fixed now.
- Back fields were not shown in certain cases on Google Wallet boarding passes.
- Fixed a bug when updating FTP integration jobs.
- Email and phone number fields were not working in new segmentation.